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Full range of stone effect porcelain stoneware

Bianchi&Valsesia has completed the stone effect line of "Porcelain Stoneware".

Bianchi&Valsesia has extended its offer of Porcelain stoneware with new stone effect products. They have different sizes and surfaces.

They are suitable for both indoor and outdoor uses:

  1.  FLOOR STONE: it has been developed to emulate natural stone effects. It has got different sizes and a wide range of details and veins of the original stone.
  2. WALL STONE: it is suited for coverings and it is able to reflect the textured feel of the stones.
  3. OUTDOOR 2.0: it is a full body porcelain stoneware and it has been designed for outdoor spaces.

In the category "Porcelain stoneware" the customers can view the materials signed by: "STONE", "STONE WALL" and "OUTDOOR".

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